Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas/School Birthday/Exam

Hello again. So, I promised I'd write a little about Christmas, so here it is: Christmas Eve was pretty uneventful. I went to school, as usual, then went to Chinese class after. We only spent half the time actually learning Chinese and we had a party for the other half complete with bubble tea and secret Santa. We drew names about a month ago and I got Chris, from Germany. I had absolutely no idea what to get him, so the day before, I ended up going to Carrefour and getting him a nightlight, erasers shaped like peanuts with smiley faces, candy and a bar of soap. Oh, and he said he wanted a bracelet, so I got him one of those too. I used what German still remains in my brain to write him a card. He actually liked it, so that was a nice surprise. My secret Santa was a USer named Dan. He got me a notebook and a pen. As if I don't have 8 other notebooks. Oh well. He explained later that he had no idea what to get me, so he asked another American, Cory, for ideas and Cory said I was the only person in the class harder to buy something for than Myles, who is the Hawaiian. Enough said. Then he suggested he get me a notebook because I like to write. Sheesh. I write them one play and all of a sudden I can't stop writing. So I lied and said I loved it. But let this be a lesson to you all. I don't need anymore notebooks!! I also got to talk to my real parents, sisters and Taiwanese girl, Lisa, that my family's hosting back home.

Again, I had school on Christmas Day. We were supposed to have a sports competition, but it was raining, so that was cancelled. I was allowed to hang out in the library with Julie and Imme, then we all brought chocolate from our countries to bribe the head librarian to let us go home early. It worked and we were allowed to leave at 3:00. I watched Vicar of Dibley Christmas specials until my host dad came home. It's kind of funny. I always know when my host mom's away when I see what's for breakfast. For instance, Christmas morning there was cake on the breakfast table when I woke up. When I got home from school, I ate some chocolate, then got full and my host dad came and told me it was time to eat and I told him I was full, but he said that he made hot dogs especially for me. Which is so cool because back home when my dad's in charge of dinner, it's hot dogs or KD. So I ate one to humour him. That was my Christmas dinner.

The next day was my school birthday. My class was selling waffles, chow mein, dongwa tea and pop. They also had a game which was a big piece of cardboard covered in big hole and supported by some desks that my classmates went under and stuck their heads through and the person had a whack them with an inflatable baseball bat. Kind of like mole whacker, but with people. It was kind of funny, I got a video that I still have to put up on facebook. I helped make the chow mein and sell waffles. It was a lot of fun, but I was so tired by the time I got home at 3:00 (I had been there since 7:30am) I was so tired and I fell asleep. I woke up at 6:00 because my phone was ringing, I felt bad because it was my friend Yuen who wanted me to come to the church for their Christmas service that started at 6:00 and it takes me about an hour to get to the church, so I had to say no. I ended up staying at home and watching Hairspray with my host mom.

Monday was the Chinese exam. This determines which class we'll be in for the second semester. But what bugged me was that the exam wasn't written by our teachers, it was written by the university. So I assumed they would stick with the first 6 units, like they said they would. They didn't. There was a comprehension part and a writing part and they both had words I had never seen before. So that was hard. Then there was a listening part that went completely over my head and an oral part. The teacher I was talking to obviously didn't like me. She kept telling me to say more. We had to read a sentence in Chinese, then say what we like and why and she kept telling me to say more and then we had to describe a picture and I must of told her my life story in Chinese and she still wasn't satisfied. She said my pronounciation was very good than gave me 7 points. Out of 15. Not even a pass. We don't find out the results until Thursday. I was talking to other exchange students and they all thought it was ridiculous too. So maybe there's hope I won't be in the dumb class yet. Ugh, I'm freaking out a bit. I'll be glad when I know which class I'm in. The first exam we took, we knew the results by 8:00 that same night.

Oh a happier note, I'm really bonding with my classmates. There was a situation with some Japanese students that visited and they were paired with everyone in our class except me and this other girl, Se-Ming. She was upset because she wouldn't get to know any of the Japanese students and I said it was okay because I'm from 10 times as far as the Japanese and I'd hang out with her and we had a lot of fun! She sits next to me in class and she's one of the only ones who talks to me in Chinese which I like because I'm tired of being treated like a baby and being spoken to in English all the time by my classmates. Also, when I leave the class to go to the library for my free classes, they all say 'Bye, Mo-Li!' and today one of the guys said 'Don't miss me too much!' I just smiled and waved. And also today during naptime, one guy started belching and then someone else did and we were all laughing, it was so much fun! Because they wouldn't stop until the teacher came in to start class!

Anyway, that's about all I have to report. I'll let you know of my test scores when they arrive. Fingers crossed!

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