Thursday, March 4, 2010


Hey, so I think I'm falling in love with sushi! Well, maybe not faling in love, but I'm definitely addicted! Which in a way is good because it's healthy, but it's also really expensive. Well, 30 cents Canadian each, but it adds up because t's so good! I hope I can find some good sushi in Canada, I have to limit myself here, but when the home parents are buying, that's a dofferent story! Sushi Express is the best, and probably only, sushi place in Taiwan, there's so many of them, so I can get my fix whenever I have money.

How it works: (restaurant) The sushi comes in pairs and it revolves around the restaurant on a conveyor belt so when you see something you like, you'd better grab it or you'll be waiting about 10 minutes for it to come back unless someone else takes it. You can sit at a counter if you're alone or you can sit in a booth if you're in a group. I'm usually in a group. Each table (and a regular intervals on the counter) has a tap where hot water comes out and tea bags next to it plus a box of chopsticks, soy sauce and little bowls to pour soy sauce into. Plus wasabi. I can't eat rice now without soy sauce and wasabi! I hope I'll be able to find wasabi in Canada! At the end, someone comesto count how many plates you have (which means how much sushi you ate) and multiply it by NT$30 then you pay.

MRT station: At a lot of MRT stations, there are sushi take-out places where you can pick individual sushi which is either NT$10 or NT$15 depending on what you want. Then you put it in a box you get packs of soy sauce and wasabi and chopsticks. It's okay, but I like sitting down and scrambling to grab sushi off the conveyor belt before someone else does or it passes.

My favorite sushis: Well, at first, I was kind of hesitant to try sushi. But now, as you can tel l, I love it! My favorites are fish eggs (big fish eggs, rice and seaweed), corn (corn, rice and seaweed), cucumber (small sushis, you get 6, with cucumber rice and seaweed) and the salmon sashimi. It's weird. I can't stand cooked salmon, but I love salmon sashimi and sushi!

On another note, today there were 2 pretty serious earthquakes in Tainan, which is pretty far from Taipei, but we could still feel them here. One was at about 8:00am so I was at school and everyone started screaming. Weird, I would have thought they would be used to it. The second was at about 3:30ish, so I was at Chinese class. It's strange to have 2 in one day! Apparently people died in Tainan. I hope Taiwan isn't the next Haiti or Chile. But I'm okay. I'm just not allowed to go hiking for a few days because some rocks could have come loose during the earthquakes and we don't want any rockslides.

Well, 118 days until I'm back in beautiful Canada! Miss you all!

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