Wednesday, September 16, 2009


September 16, 2009

As very few of you know, the Deaflympics was hosted by Taipei this year. This is exactly like the Olympics, but for deaf people. I didn’t know about it until I got here and everyone was talking about it. I meant to go, btu I never had the time. Then last night, Ju (from Brazil) and I were at Taipei 101 with Reid (from the States) and Ju mentioned that the ending ceremony for the Deaflympics was in a couple hours. I wanted to go, but Reid didn’t. He wanted to check out a book store where, he told us, there were probably only 2 or 3 English books. So Ju and I went without him.

When we got there, the security guards wouldn’t let us in because we had no tickets. But they politely pointed out the scalpers, mentioning that it was illegal. But we bought the tickets anyway, 2 for NT$ 500, which is about $15 Canadian. We thought that was a pretty good deal and the security guards showed us which way to go. We had to pass through a metal detector, we didn’t set it off. Once we got inside, the volunteers handed us each a light-up tambourine and a box kind of like the ones 45 Timbits come in. We didn’t open them until we found our seats, there was fresh bread inside! Apparently, Taipei Culinary Institute not only catered the meal they served the athletes during the ceremony, but also made bread for everyone else who attended! I saved it for my breakfast this morning and shared the rest with my host family.

When we got there, there were drummers on the stage and people chanting with people doing the sign language for the Olympians. Then they introduced all the countries represented at the Deaflympics, Ju and I screamed really loudly when Brazil and Canada came by our section (we were about 3 rows from the ground where the athletes were!) and waved really hard when we remembered they couldn’t hear us. I wished I knew we were going before I left the apartment, I would have brought a flag with me! Then there was a lion dance and people dressed as cutlery came out and danced while volunteers served the athletes dinner. After that, dragons came out and danced, I took some videos, and people inside inflatable people came out and danced. Then there was more fireworks. Some of the Olympians came by our sections and threw things into the crowd. I almost caught a shirt a German guy threw at me, but the guy in front of me caught it first.
We left at 8:45 because Ju had to be home by 9:00, we ran to the MRT station. I got home at 9:30, to my host mom’s delight.

It almost makes up for the fact that I’m missing the real Olympics in Canada. Almost. But even if I was back home, I doubt I’d be going. Plus, how many of you can say you’ve been to the Deaflympics?

1 comment:

  1. I just googled the Deaf Olympics and did you know that one of the 2 medals won by Canada was a Silver in Men's Road Cycling.
