Monday, November 16, 2009

What people REALLY think of Canada

So, I was in Chinese class yesterday and this guy named Cory from Oregon comes up to me and starts talking. Now, Cory's cool, so we talked for a while, then he brought up Canada and how no one has any idea what Canadians do. I guess it's true that no one every hears anything about Canada. Now terrorists bomb Canada and nobody has a grudge against us. I told him we build igloos and ice fish.

Then he started telling em about this Japanese TV show where all the countries are represented in manga by a single person. So each country is summed up by one person. Like Italy eats pasta and plays soccer all day, England has these bushy eyebrows, Germany has blonde hair, blue eyes and is extremely ripped and US always puts himself in charge and makes all the other countries work hard so he can be the hero. I asked about Canada, and he showed me this video:

The first thing I said was 'Wait, if you want English subtitles, you have to click the USA flag?' I would rather have watched it in French. I mean, doesn't ENGLish come from ENGLand? Anyway, Canada only made a brief appearence, I'll let you watch for yourself. And Cory testified that No one in the States really pays attention to Canada. We're just kind of... there. I could have punched him, but he's just an American, he doesn't know any better.

Anyway, sorry I can't really remember all that's happened this past week. It's all a blur. It's ridiculous how fast time's going. I'm slowly wearing the Americans down. They make fun of Canada a lot, but there's so much more dumb things to say about the USA, so I'm covered for a while.

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