Thursday, November 5, 2009

the Situation Over Here

So, you remember in my last post I was upset because my chinese class cast me as Hagrid in our Harry Potter play? Well, instead of pounding them, as I orginally planned, I decided to take the high road and write an original script that does not include Hagrid. I threw this idea by my class and they liked it. I came up with a few ideas and they picked the one they liked best and today during school, I wrote my first ever fan-fiction play. It's about a Taiwanese exchange student who comes to Hogwarts. They wanted it to be funny, so I tried my best. But then I read it back to myself and I was like, ar! This is so lame! But I was out of time, so I took it to chinese class and hoped no one asked about it .

But Laoshi (teacher) asked how our play was coming and everyone wanted to know. So I wrote a list of characters on the board and gave them the general plot line and they loved it! Still, I was a little worried about the actual script. My sense of humour is not that great, as you all know. But then they wanted me to read it to them, so I had no choice.

You have no idea how relieved I was to hear them laughing at the parts I intended to be funny and clapping when I finished. They loved it, and they told me so later. In no time at all, I had everyone volunteering for parts. Now we just need to translate it to Chinese. They were a little upset that it had to be in Chinese because the other exchange students wouldn't get it. But, seeing as it's only about 20 minutes long, we're going to type up a program with the English translation so they can follow along. I stayed after class with most of the class as volunteers to help me edit out the script, but they didnt want to change anything. They wanted to keep it the way it was. Ah! It was so cool! Ihave to type it up tonight to send to Laoshi so she can translate it. But then I'll post it here so you guys can see it. There are a couple inside jokes, I'll try my best to explain.

Anyway, thanks for listening! Until next time!

P.S. So, the play's typed up. I'm not exactly sure how to post it, seeing as it's 7 pages long. Oh well, I guess you'll just have to live with it.

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