Friday, October 30, 2009


As sone of you know, I'm pretty sick right now. It started on Wednesday when 2 kids in my class went home and found out they have H1N1 and then they called the school and now our entire class isn't allowed to go to school until Tuesday.

Meanwhile, I started coughing on Wednesday night, had a fever Thursday morning and now my throat, stomach and head are killing me. I went to the doctor on Thursday night and he tought it was H1N1, but he decided not to test unless my fever went up. A fever here being 37.4 degrees. I told them that wasn't a fever. In Canada, we call that body heat. So now I havve to take 4 different pills 4 times a day and if my host mom thinks I'm coughing too much, she'll give me a glass that looks innocently like water. So I'm really thirsty and I'll take a big drink then I'll find out it's salt water. It's pretty gross and isn't doing much for my cough.

Anyway, I had to miss Chinese class on Thursday. They started planning our culminating task, a play in Chinese. Being the original people Americans are (as the vast majority of my class are American) they decided to do Harry Potter. And since i wasn't there to defend myself, they cast me as Hagrid. I reminded them that I'm Canadian and I can wrestle polar bears, so they'd better watch it. I haven't heard back from them. I guess I could also just cough on them and put them all in the hospital. Still, it bugs me. This one girl in our class who thinks she's all that because she's American. I'll bet she cast me as Hagrid instead of waiting for me to come back to class and ask me about it. I'll pound them, I swear. And I'm usually not a violent person. But I guess the combination of H1N1 and Americans isn't so great for me. They're lucky I won't be in class on Monday either.

So far, I don't have to wear a surgical mask. But I haven't left the appartment in 2 days now. Ugh. I smell like death and I can barely talk. I have too much time on my hands, so you'll probably be hearing from me a lot.

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