Saturday, October 10, 2009

Double Tenth Day

Apparently, today was Taiwan’s anniversary of being independant from China. Or something like that. Called Double Tenth Day because it's the tenth day of the tenth month, therefore, two 10s, double 10. But I wouldn’t have known if one of the other exchange students hadn’t texted me to wish me a happy Double Tenth Day.

My host parents took me to a market which is right outside our apartment building, and bought me dong hua, which is kind of like soup, but cold and sweet and it has this custard stuff and peanuts and fruit inside, I love it! Actually, yesterday, my classmates took me to the school pool where they sell bubble tea and got some for me. I didn’t explode this time, and everyone was telling me ‘xiao xing!’ which means ‘be careful’ as I had the straw poised above the cup. I think I also love bubble tea! Good thing there’s a bubble tea place in Peterborough.

Anyway, then we went mountain climbing. Instead of hiking, they climb mountains. Which is basically just climbing stairs until you get to the top or until someone passes out, whichever comes first. In this case, it was until Brenda was too tired to keep climbing, but I made it to the top. I counted 662 steps. It reminded me of the time we climbed Brock Monument. I think that was around 200 steps. It also reminded me of Mr Clarke’s lesson on gravitational potential energy. I mean, I had done all this Work to get to the top, and when I got to the top, I had all this Gravitational Potential Energy, which I used to get back to the bottom. Wow, I can’t believe I remembered that.

To top off the day celebrating the anniversary of Taiwan’s birth, we had Japanese food for dinner.

I also heard that this weekend is Thanksgiving. So I hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving!

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