Thursday, October 22, 2009

Monday was a pretty crazy day. For one, I didn't want to get out of bed, but that's not unsual. I'm so glad I can sleep in tomorrow! Anyway, school was pretty normal. We had PE and played basketball and badminton again for like the 17th time! Then I had to go to Chinese class. I took the bus. I get off at an MRT station, so a lot of other people get off the bus when I do. I was near the front of the line, waiting for the bus to stop and when it did, I scanned my Easy Card and was about to step off the bus when an impatient lady pushed her way through the line, bumped into me as she leaned over to scan her card and I went tumbling down the stairs and onto the pavement. I landed on my left knee, which as some of you know, has caused me some problems in the past. The lady got off the bus, said 'xiao xing!' which means 'be careful' and ran away. I'm learning that people here are either in a hurry, or they're at their destination.

Anyway. I tried to get up, but my knee had dislocated. So I pushed my kneecap back into place and tried to get up again, succeeded and limped away. I got some crazy looks from other people, but I guess when your knee is bloody and gross, it's nice when the crowd parts and lets you pass. I got to a bench, sat down and texted Mari, from the US who was meeting me for lunch along with Bailey, also from US, to hurry up. They arrived a few minutes later and we bought some bandaids and a tenser bandage from 711 and we wrapped my knee. Then we bought lunch and slowly made our way to Chinese class.

You should have seen my host mom's face when I walked in the door to the apartment! She wanted to take me to the hospital, but I told her I was going to be fine in a couple days. It is doing better now, I'm going without the bandage today. Still, at Culture Class on Wednesday, we had Taikwando and the Rotarians didn't want me to do it and it was fun when the other students asked what happened and I would say 'I fell off a bus.' Then they would look at me weird and ask how that happened and I would say 'someone pushed me.' One of the other Americans made up this story about how this crazy woman pushed me off a bus then I picked the bus up and hurled it at her and she got crushed, then I ran away. Which, highly unrealistic. I couldn't have run away with my knee all screwed up.

Another typhoon has arrived in Taiwan. On rainy days, I just like to curl up in a blanket or sleeping bag and watch movies with friends or family or something. But no. I'm at school. Nothing here changes if there's a typhoon, just people bring umbrellas.

Also, there was apparently an earthquake at 4:30 this morning. But I was too exhausted last night, so I slept well and didn't feel anything. We went to visit the office of the president a few weeks ago and they gave us these pens that stood up straight in their holders. I didn't know what ti was at first. Because the pens move around in their holders, I thought it was an earthquake detector. That's what I use it for. But, obviously, it only works if I'm watching it.

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