Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Big Switch

Hey, so as some of you might know, I finally swithed host families today. I was away last week and got home yesterday afternoon, so I had to do laundry really quickly and try to fit all my stuff into 2 suitcases. I ended up filling both of them to their expanded size, my IKEA bag, my backpack and my carry-on. As I was packing, I was fiding all this stuff that I brought and have no idea why. I'll be sending stuff home for sure! I still have 5 onths left and there's no way I'll be able to bring everything home otherwise.

Anyway, y new host dad came to pick my up this morning with my new host BROTHER!! Finally, I have an older brother! I also have a younger brother and a sister who's the same age as me. On the ride over here, my host brother said more to me than my old host sister ever said in the 5 months I lived wth her. So I'm really happy! My new host sister kept offering to help me unpack, but after a while she realized that I was okay by myself and brought me water instead. The younger brother is a little shy, but he's so cute! I hope he'll open up a bit after a while. The older brother went to USA a few years ago, sorry, I don't know any names yet, they haven't told me. I guess I never knew my old sister's Chinese name. anyway, he went to Indiana and they showed me pictures of when they went to visit him.

At lunch, we were watching this documentary about this french guy who went to Japan and ate lots of food, it was kind of funny, but I don't think it was supposed to be. It was in French with Chinese subtitles, so we could all understand, or not understand. he spent a lot of time laughing and we had no idea why most of the time. Anyway, my host dad told me that everything's very relaxed in this house and everyone has lots of freedom, which is great! I think i'm going to like it here, it's just too bad I won't have a whole lot of time.

I don't know my new address yet, all I know is that I'm in Banqiao (used to be Yonghe) and on the 27th floor of an apartment building. But I'll let you know as soon as I do! And I'll try to get it right the first time.

Well, I have a Rotary thing in 3 hours, so I'd better get started on my speech. maybe they'll increase my allowance if it's any good! Then again, the probably shouldn't because then I'll buy more stuff.

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