Sunday, January 17, 2010

This Weekend

Hey, so this weekend was pretty... exciting. I thought you might like to hear about it.

So yesterday, I had planned to go shopping with Aurelia from France, but then Josette, from USA, called an asked if i could hang out with her and the Korean exchange students staying at her house. I've wanted to meet these boys, so I arranged with Aurelia to have lunch with Josette, some other exchange students and the Korean boys at IKEA then we'd go to Xi-Men.

That went okay until during lunch, I got a phone call, from my teacher's number, from someone who wasn't my teacher telling me that I left my wallet at a hotel that I had never heard of before in my life. While the guy was trying to explain the situation to me, the phone went dead, so I hung up and forgot about it, probably a prank, but why from my teacher's phone?

I went into my bag to look for my wallet and realized I didn't have it! So that guy was telling the truth! He called back twice and Cory, from USA, helped me find the hotel, where, sure enough, they had my wallet.

Okay, weird, so we all headed off to Xi-Men. When we got outside of the subway station, we realized we were short a Korean. Josette went back inside to look for him and Aurelia and I went shopping. About 20 minutes later, we got a phone call from Josette. She still hadn't found Kimdayhuan and she wanted us to come back and help her look. When we got there, we found out our only clue was that the other Korean thought he sa him get off the train. Josette had been to the stations before and after Xi-Men and all over the station and all the exits. We had 6 people looking for him and she called her host mom and got in really big trouble for losing him. About an hour later, her host mom called back and told her he had come home and she wanted Josette and the other Korean boy to come home. I still don't know what happened, Josette was worried she'd get sent home, but I don't think that'll happen.

Today, I got on a bus that cost me just over $4 Canadian that took me to Taoyuan Airport where I met one of my mom's old coworker's husband who was in Taiwan on business. I gave him stuff to bring home to my family then proceeded to meet some more Canadians who had an 11 hour layover until their flight to Malaysia. I was proud to suggest some places to go in Taipei and help them order bus tickets in Chinese. I don't know who was more surprised that I could speak Chinese, the Asian Canadians, or the Taiwanese lady behind the counter. Getting home was under $3 Canadian, so that wasn't bad.

I'm pretty tired now, back to school tomorrow. But at least our 1 MONTH VACATION starts on Wednesday!

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