Tuesday, January 5, 2010


haha, got a sort of funny story for you. So these past few weeks, I've been having trouble keeping my hair under control, which is pretty bad because it's winter and my hair is still frizzing out at me. Last night, I was looking at the mirror and wondering if anyone would understand 'thinning out' so I asked my host mom if anyone could make my hair 不太胖, which means not so fat. Then she asked if I wanted it cut and I said sure, then she got her coat and said let's go. Um, okay, sure, we cxan get my hair cut this very minute. In Canada you sort of have to make an appointment, but I guess this is Taiwan.

Now, it was a about 6:30 at night, but a lot of places here are open until at least 9:00, except the post office, which closes at 5:00 which is when i get out of school and this really bugs me! Anyway, the place we ended up at was playing Poker Face, which was my first sign that this couldn't end well. When we walked in, people were freaking out because there was a 白人 or a foreigner, that wanted to ge her hair cut. Everyone was asking everyone else if they spoke English, but in Chinese and the girl who ended up washing my hair kept asking what the word for hair was in English, but in Chinese, to the girl cutting hair next to her. It was pretty funny, I like playing dumb, I could understand them and they had no idea that I could!

A different lady cut my hair, she kept saying to my host mom that it was 很漂亮 which means very pretty. She actually did sort of thin it out, at least I can deal with it now, then she cut it. Then she pulled out a hairdryer and I wanted to say 'you really don't want to do that' but I didn't know how to in Chinese, so I let her find out that hard way that my hair isn't so 漂亮 when it's blowdried. She ended up wetting it again, then someone else found a diffuser (I was so surprised to find that they even have diffusers in Taiwan) and they managed to make it look a little better.

On th way home, my host mom was freaking out because my hair still looked fat. When I got home, I fixed it up a bit and assured her that it was a lot better now. I certainly gave those hairdressers an experience they won't forget. I'll probably end up getting it cut again before summer, then I'll run back to Janice as soon as I get home.

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